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테마특강 제18강 - Book store(서점) 3

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W: Um,

J: Also, sometimes people use this book to teach the class, chapter by chapter.

W: Let me ask a question to other employee quick.

J: Okay.

W: Basically it is award winner book… and it’s about the kids on the deserted island and creates their own colony and how they survived…It’s very very good book and simple English compare to complex books like…

J: Yeah. What about this? Tuesdays with Morrie…

W: This was very good… do you know what this story is?

J: No.

W: Okay, basically there was a young gentle man… he recounted his whole life…

J: So this one is one more day story… this is sequels?

W: This is the same author… let me make sure this is not a sequels.

W2: Tuesdays with morrie!!!

W: Is this the sequel to it?

W2: No, this is an independent.

W: Okay then, do we have the Tuesdays with morrie?

W2: Yeah.

W: Tuesdays with morrie is very good book.

J: Yes, it was world wide famous book.

W: Yeah.

W: So do you want to do this paper back, and do you want me to put this back on the shelf?

J: I want that also.

W: I think that these two books are very good books.

J: This one is not proved yet?

W: This one just came out… basically same author so they are going to be a good book. I’m just saying that I would start with Tuesdays with morrie which is known.
테마특강 제18강 - Book store(서점) 3 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/378
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