필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

초중급 제19강 - Daily routine 총정리

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All in English!

I can't come to the phone right now.

who's calling?

hold on.
Can you hold?

I'll get it for you.

May I speak to...

Can I take a message?

Can you answer that?
Ok, I will answer it.

May I use the phone?
May I use your (물건)?

Is (사람이름) there?

Are you....
Do you...


What are you doing?
What do you do for living? 직업이 뭐에요?

when are you going?
where are you going?

Let's go to work
see Jason
play basketball
study english
eat dinner

I'd like to
you'd like to
would you like to ....?

would you care for cup of coffee? 커피한잔 생각있어요?

where would you like to go/see? 어디 가고/보고 싶어?

Why don't you.... 왜 않해?

How about breakfast? 아침 어때?
How about은 정해지지 않은 어떠한 상황에서 사용되요.

how about watch television?
How about go out for break? 쉬러 나가는 건 어때?

It's up to you. 네가 하란 데로 하지 뭐.

you can tell me if you want to.
원하면 말해줘.

you don't have to tell me if you don't want to
원치 않는다면 말하지 않아도 돼

May I ask....
May I ask how old you are?
May I ask what day it is?
May I ask where the bathroom is?
May I ask you a favor?
I need your help.
give me a help
help me

I need someone to help me.

I wonder if I can ask you a favor.
I wonder if I can ask a favor of you

I beg your help.
I know this is lot of trouble, but can you help me?
anything you say.
sure if I can.

I'll do that if I can.
I'll help you if I can.

I'm afraid not
I'd rather not
I'm sorry but I can't

예약의 차이점 떠올리세요
appointment와 reservation의 차이
point와 reserve의 뜻을 알아두면 이해가 빠릅니다.

where would you like to go?
when would you like to go?
what would you like to eat?

how long do I have to wait?
how long is the wait?
how long is the movie?
how long is the play?

what is the special today?
what is good here?

I'll have...

May I see the menu again?

can I see the menu again?

Can we meet again?

I'm just looking.
I'm not going to buy anything.

Can I try.....
on 은 입어볼때 쓰는 전치사
could you show me another one?

I'll take/buy this/that.

I'll come back later.
I'll come back in some other time.
초중급 제19강 - Daily routine 총정리 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/219
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