필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

초중급 제15강 - 일상 속으로 소개

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Can you answer the phone?
I can't get to the phone.
I can't come to the phone.
I can't eat...
I can't go

I will answer the phone.
I will do ...

May I ask who is calling?
May I use the phone?
May I use your cell phone?

this is Jason.
Is (사람) there?

hold on please.
can you hold?

would you like to...
why don't you...
It's up to you.
you can tell me if you want
you don't have to tell me if you don't want
reservation : 예약 reserve
appointment a point
first come, first serve.
where would you like to go?
when would you like to go?

- 쇼핑가기 전에
Are you going shopping today?
오늘 쇼핑하러 갈 거예요?

I'm going shopping this afternoon
오늘 오후에 쇼핑하러 갈 겁니다.

- 옷 매장에서
What can I do for you? / May(Can) I help you?
무엇을 찾으세요? / 무엇을 보여 드릴까요?

I'm just browsing / I'm Just looking
그냥 구경하는 거예요

- 옷을 입어 보고서
How do you like it ? / How about this one ?
이건 어떻습니까?

Can I try this one?
I want to try this on. / I'd like to try this on.
제가 입어 봐도 될까요?

- 돈을 지불 하면서
I'll take it. / I'll buy this.
이걸로 할게요.

How much is it?

quarter to.. 15분 전
quarter after.. 15분 후
date와 day의 차이점
초중급 제15강 - 일상 속으로 소개 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/215
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