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초중급 제49강 - apply oneself to ; 몰두하다, 전념하다

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apply oneself to ; 몰두하다, 전념하다
= devote(= give) oneself to = be devoted to = be absorbed in = lose oneself to
= be lost in = be involved in = indulge oneself in = be indulged in
= be engrossed in = be (pre)occupied in(=with) = (pre)occupy oneself in(=with)
= give oneself (up) to = take up with = be give up to = concentrate on
= be wrapped up in = be sink in = be intent on = give all one's energy to
= be engaged in = be rapt in = be around and about = be nuts about
= up to one's ears in
Ex) She applied herself to learning English. (그녀는 영어 공부에 전념했다.)
He applied himself diligently to class.
(그는 부지런히 수업에 몰두하였다.)
초중급 제49강 - apply oneself to ; 몰두하다, 전념하다 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/591
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