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테마특강 제13강 - 내용부분 영여표현 공식 1

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13. Main Body formula I
Introducing Topics
To begin I'd like to review this year's sales.
Now I want to discuss the data.
Next I'm going to analyze this year's sales.
Finally I shall present the data.
Now I shall be considering this year's sales.
Next I'm going to be looking at the data.
Let me begin by going over this year's sales.
let me move on by going over the data.
I'd like to go on by going over this year's sales.
I'd like to go on by recommending possible solution.

Expressing opinions
We believe your prices are too high
We think your prices are too high
It is our view your prices are too high
My opinion is your prices are too high
I would say your prices are too high
It seems to us your prices are too high
We feel your prices are too high
We tend to feel your prices are too high
It is considered opinion your prices are too high

Moving on and looking back
Let's now move on to the financial aspects of the problem.
I (now) want to go on to the financial aspects of the problem.
I'd like to go on to the financial aspects of the problem.
This brings me to the financial aspects of the problem.
This brings us up to the financial aspects of the problem.
The losses were due to the strike but I shall come to this later.
Let's look back for a moment to my first diagram.
Let's go back to my first diagram.
I'd like to return to my first diagram.

As I said before the situation is serious.
As stated before the situation is serious.
As stated previously the situation is serious.
테마특강 제13강 - 내용부분 영여표현 공식 1 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/439
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