테마특강 제15강 - 도표에 대한 영어 프레젠테이션 표현
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15. 도표에 대한 프레젠테이션 표현
Naming Parts of Visuals
The vertical axis shows sales
The horizontal axis indicates temperature
The curve represents unit cost
The solid line stands for sales
The broken line shows temperature
The dotted line indicates unit cost
The shaded area shows sales
The un-shaded section indicates temperature
The dotted quadrant represents unit cost
Explaining Visuals
Sales moved erratically in June
Prices fluctuated In the final quarries of last Year.
Profits rose slightly In 2010.
Sales fell gradually in June
Prices declined gently In the final quarries of last Year.
Profits move up steadily In 2010.
Sales recovered sharply in June
Prices dropped suddenly In the final quarries of last Year.
Profits plunged quickly In 2010.
Sales increased rapidly in June
Prices fell dramatically In the final quarries of last Year.
Profits reached a peak In 2010.
테마특강 제15강 - 도표에 대한 영어 프레젠테이션 표현 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/441
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