테마특강 제04강 - 구조, 순차적 논쟁, 그리고 급에 따는 분해
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All speeches should have a definite structure or format; a talk without a structure is a woolly mess.
If you do not order your thoughts into a structured manner, the audience will not be able to follow them.
Having established the aim of your presentation you should choose the most appropriate structure to achieve it.
However, the structure must not get in the way of the main message. If it is too complex, too convoluted or simply too noticeable the audience will be distracted.
If a section is unnecessary to the achievement of your fundamental objectives, pluck it out.
Sequential Argument
One of the simplest structures is that of sequential argument which consists of a series of linked statements ultimately leading to a conclusion.
However, this simplicity can only be achieved by careful and deliberate delineation between each section.
One technique is the use of frequent reminders to the audience of the main point which have proceeded and explicit explanation of how the next topic will lead on from this.
Hierarchical Decomposition
In hierarchical decomposition the main topic is broken down into sub-topics and each sub-topics into smaller topics until eventually everything is broken down into very small basic units.
In written communication this is a very powerful technique because it allows the reader to re-order the presentation at will, and to return to omitted topics at a later date.
In verbal communication the audience is restricted to the order of the presenter and the hierarchy should be kept simple reinforced.
As with sequential argument it is useful to summarise each section at its conclusion and to introduce each major new section with a statement of how it lies in the hierarchical order.
테마특강 제04강 - 구조, 순차적 논쟁, 그리고 급에 따는 분해 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/430
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