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테마특강 제12강 - 렌트카 Alamo 8

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J: The only reason that I go with the Alamo right now is because it was cheaper than the other one. I suppose to go with the Avis or …

A: We all have the same insurance policy.

J: Yeah, I know. It’s because of the mileage.

A: We have free mileage here also.

J: No, no, no, what I’m saying is the flight mileage, because I flight with the Korean Air Line… It adds up to my Korean Air Line membership thing.

J: Now these bottom axes are for the signature not the initial.

A: Just an initial on the all the axes and the little one, then flip it over and two more initials and signature on the bottom.

J: Okay, renter, right? All the axes!

A: Yes.

J: Nothing tricky on this one, right? So if I get the flat tire, then am I supposed to call…?

A: There is the number to call right here, I’ll give this to you when you are done.

J: And it is all covered, right?

A: Yes, anything happens to your car, you pay nothing.

J: So 505 that I’m paying right now is the full amount, not a penny more.

A: As long as you go out now and you don’t bring it back with the full then you pay more. So make sure it is full when you come back.

J: I think most of time when I rent a car it’s smart to do own filling instead of bring it in empty.

A: Not necessarily.

J: Not necessarily?

A: right now we have a gas with 3.28 which is actually great! If you want it to then you can buy a tank now and bring it back empty. That way you don’t have to bother trying to find the gas station outside. Now if you don’t do that, which you choose not to. If you can’t find the gas station and trying back to get here on time, then we charge 5 bucks a gallon which is big difference.

J: Are you guys really strict on full… full tank.

A: It’s got to be to the line. It doesn’t have to pass the line, just got to be the line.

J: So, I fill it up before I get here, then it’ll be alright. Is it cheaper in Michigan?

A: I don’t know.
테마특강 제12강 - 렌트카 Alamo 8 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/372
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