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테마특강 제11강 - 렌트카 Alamo 7

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A: Now, for the gas option, do you want to buy a tank now and bring it back empty?

J: No, I’ll fill it up myself.

J: How much was the total?

A: Receipt will coming right out.

J: God, It’s going to be higher than what I thought.

A: It came out to be 505

J: oh, I was thinking about 400 something. Let me check. Let’s double check.

A: You got GPS which is 49 bucks for the week, and you get two extra days on that.

J: Okay.

A: You got 10.50 for the collision, and 4.99 for the road service.

J: and without this, it’s about 200 something right?

A: Yes, without the extra insurance run… 138 extra… 138 less from 505

J: So rent is actually 179 and 51 plus…
Is there any discount rate?

A: I can’t. You know what! They got you on an internet discount which is a 25 per day instead of 33 a day.
J: Okay.

A: It saves you 8 bucks a day which is around 70 bucks!

J: 70 bucks! Well, I was thinking about 300, 400 around there, but it is just bumping it up too much. Alright, I’ll go with it.

A: Don’t come back early, because then rate will go up. This is minimum 8-day rental.

J: Okay.

A: If you want to come back one day early then you can, but don’t come back two days early then rate goes way up, because this is special 8-day promotion.

A: It’s very important. Lots of customers go for 8-day but comes back at 7th, but they want the 8-day rate. It doesn’t work like that. Computer is not going to recognize that.

J: Alright! Do I have to put the initials on the…

A: yeah, all the axes please sir.
테마특강 제11강 - 렌트카 Alamo 7 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/371
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