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테마특강 제6강 - 렌트카 Alamo 2

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A: You can decide which vehicle to ride here.

J: We can!

A: You know? Maybe you booked on two door full size, right?

J: Two door full size! I thought I did sign up for standard. One higher one!

A: That is the full size. Full size and standard are the same.

J: What kind of car is that? I thought I reserve the Monte-Carlo.

A: Yeah, Monte-Carlo!

J: That’s what it is? Do you know what kind of cars that I can choose?

A: Uh, something likes Malibus and Carlos…

J: What’s the one under?

A: One under?

J: Yeah!

A: Those are listed here.
테마특강 제6강 - 렌트카 Alamo 2 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/366
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