필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

초중급 제82강 - but for ; ..이 없었다면 = without

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but for ; ..이 없었다면 = without
Ex) But for your help, She would have failed.
= Without your help, she would have failed.
= If it had not been for your help, she would have failed.
= Had it not been for your help, she would have failed.
= If you had not helped her, she would have failed.
= Had you not helped her, she would have faled.
(너의 도움이 없었다면 그녀는 실패했을 것이다.)
I couldn't do it but for her help.
(그녀의 도움이 없었다면 그것을 하지 못할거다.)
But for the heat of the sun, nothing could live.
(태양의 열이 없다면 아무것도 살지 못할거다.)
초중급 제82강 - but for ; ..이 없었다면 = without | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/624
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