초중급 제16강 - 이것만 기억하면 이제 문법은 안녕!
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- 이번 강의에서는 모든 표현의 시제와 단복수의 변화를 확인하면서 설명하지 않고 자연스럽게 습득한 문법에 대해 알아보는 강의입니다.
It's time to eat lunch. 점심 먹을 시간이야.
It was time for lunch about an hour ago.
It will be time to eat lunch when she says so.
I go to park for a walk
I went to park for a walk.
I will go to park for a walk.
She goes to park for a walk.
She went to park for a walk.
She will go to park for a walk.
간단한 문장의 변화로 설명되는 문법은 여러 가지입니다.
시제의 변화, 문장의 단수와 복수 변화, to 전치사와 부정사 등입니다.
자 여기서 한 번 더 변화를 시키면...
It's time to eat lunch, so you should come inside.
It was time for lunch about an hour ago. Where were you?
It will be time to eat lunch when she says so. She is the boss in this house.
모든 문장의 2차 변화는 개개인의 상황에 따라 변화하게 됩니다. 이 모든 변화는 자신도 모르게 문법에 맞춰서 만들어지게 됩니다.
단 이 모든 규칙은 올바른 영어문장과 표현을 주기적으로 읽고 듣고 말해봐야만 가능합니다.
Sentences are made of two parts: the subject and the predicate. The subject is the person or thing that acts or is described in the sentence. The predicate, on the other hand, is that action or description.
Complete sentences need both the subject and the predicate.
Sentences can be broken down into clauses.
For example: The boy is going to the school, and he is going to eat there.
This is a complete sentence composed of two clauses. There are mainly two types of clauses: independent clauses and subordinate clauses.
Independent clauses act as complete sentences, while subordinate clauses cannot stand alone and need another clause to complete their meaning. For example:
Independent clause example: The boy went to the school.
Subordinate clause example: After the boy went to the school…
A group of two or more grammatically linked words that do not have subject and predicate is a phrase.
Example of a complete sentence:
The girl is at home, and tomorrow she is going to the amusement park.
Example of a clause: The girl is at home
Example of a phrase: The girl
You can see that “the girl” is a phrase located in the first clause of the complete sentence above. Phrases act like parts of speech inside clauses. That is, they can act as nouns, adjectives, adverbs and so on.
Parts of Speech
A word is a “part of speech” only when it is used in a sentence. The function the word serves in a sentence is what makes it whatever part of speech it is.
For example, the word “run” can be used as more than one part of speech:.
Sammy hit a home run.
Run is a noun, direct object of hit.
You mustn’t run near the swimming pool.
Run is a verb, part of the verb phrase must (not) run.
Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech: the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the verb, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the interjection.
초중급 제16강 - 이것만 기억하면 이제 문법은 안녕! | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/236
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