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초중급 제12강 - 틀리거나 혼동하기 쉬운 단어들2

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All ready / already

All ready means "completely ready".
For example: "Are you all ready for the test?"

Already is an adverb that means before the present time or earlier than the time expected.
For example:
"I asked him to come to the cinema but he'd already seen the film."
"Are you buying Christmas cards already? It's only September!"

altogether / all together
All together (adv) means "together in a single group."
For example: The waiter asked if we were all together.

Altogether (adv) means "completely" or "in total ".
For example: She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.
To be in the altogether is an old-fashioned term for being naked!

any one / anyone

Any one means any single person or thing out of a group of people or things.
For example: I can recommend any one of the books on this site.

Anyone means any person. It's always written as one word.
For example: Did anyone see that UFO?

Any / Some

Any and some are both determiners. They are used to talk about indefinite quantities or numbers, when the exact quantity or number is not important. As a general rule we use some for positive statements, and any for questions and negative statements,
For example:
I asked the barman if he could get me some sparkling water. I said, "Excuse me, have you got any sparkling water?" Unfortunately they didn't have any.
Note - You will sometimes see some in questions and any in positive statements. When making an offer, or a request, in order to encourage the person we are speaking to say "Yes", you can use some in a question:

For example: Would you mind fetching some gummy bears while you're at the shops?
You can also use any in a positive statement if it comes after a word whose meaning is negative or limiting:
For example:
A. She gave me some bad advice.
B. Really? She rarely gives any bad advice.
초중급 제12강 - 틀리거나 혼동하기 쉬운 단어들2 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/232
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