초중급 제4강 - 집안에서 사용하는 표현 - 저녁
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- 아침은 준비, 계획에 관한 표현들이지만 저녁은 정리의 표현이 나옵니다. 저녁에 우리가 자주하는 말을 가지고 시작해 볼까요?
I had a such a hard day from the work.
It was tough day with the new boss.
It was tough day with the new teacher.
I finished so much work today.
I accomplished so much work in the house.
I covered so much work for next exam.
I'm starving. Would you care for something to eat!
Is there anything to eat? I can eat a horse, right now!
Let's get something to eat from the chinese restaurant.
Let's get something to watch from the video store.
I'm dead tired. I still can't believe that I did all this.
Wow, I have to go to work tomorrow! How sad!
자 그럼 이제 2, 3강에서 사용한 표현을 변형시켜 볼까요?
It's time to eat dinner. 저녁 먹을 시간이야.
It's time to watch my favorite show. 산책 갈 시간이야.
Did you check the weather tomorrow? 우편함 확인 했니?
Did you eat dinner already? 저녁 식사 벌써 했니?
I went to so many different places today. 오늘 정말 많은 곳을 돌아다녔네.
I went to see my friend this afternoon. 오후에 친구들 만나러 갔었어.
I couldn't watch anymore. I'm dead tired. 더 못 보겠다. 너무 피곤해.
I couldn't eat anymore. Your food is the best in the world.
더는 못 먹겠다. 당신이 만든 음식이 세상에서 최고야.
Let me watch this right now, then I'll do anything for you later.
Let me buy you a cup of coffee. It'll be nice to walk around the block.
As soon as I finish this, I will give you a hand.
After I finish this, we can go anywhere you want.
Do you know what's on TV now?
I'm not sure but most of the show starts around 10 p.m.
I always use naver to check the weather.
I'm so tired to do anything. 정말 피곤해서 아무것도 할 수가 없다.
I'd better hurry for the game. It will start right after this drama.
경기 보려면 서둘러야겠다. 이 드라마 끝나면 바로 시작할 거야.
초중급 제4강 - 집안에서 사용하는 표현 - 저녁 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/224
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