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완전초급 제 10강 - 부사를 이용한 회화

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defragment 조각 처리하다, 단편화를 해소하다.
fragment 파편, 조각, 단편

I eat breakfast.
I always eat breakfast.
I usually eat breakfast.
I frequently eat breakfast.

Always I eat breakfast.
I eat breakfast always.

부사는 동사의 앞에 오고 조동사 뒤에 온다.
조동사중 본동사 3가지가 있습니다 (be, have, do)
이 세 가지는 본동사도 되고 조동사도 되므로 조심해야 합니다.

English class
Jason's English class 형용사는 한번 이상 사용될 수 있습니다.

everyday 라는 말은 대체적으로 맨 뒤에 오게 됩니다.

I go to see doctor everyday.
I go to school everyday.

“Due to” is an adjective, which means it can only modify pronouns and nouns according to the purest English grammar rules.
“Because of” is an adverb, which means it can only modify verbs, adjectives and clauses, but not nouns and pronouns.
One trick you can use is to substitute “due to” with “caused by.” If the substitution does not work, then you probably shouldn't use “due to” there.

My low grade was due to lack of study.
My low grade was caused by lack of study.
I missed the class due to the rain.
I missed the class caused by the rain.
I missed the class because of the rain.
완전초급 제 10강 - 부사를 이용한 회화 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/165
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