필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

완전초급 제 12강 - 문장부수기 중간정리

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often 자주
sometimes 가끔
always 항상
usually 자주
rarely 거의 안할 때 사용
hardly 거의 안할 때 사용

I eat apple.
I often eat apple.
sometimes I eat apple.
I eat apple always.

I usually study English with Jason.
I usually study English in the morning.
I usually study English in the evening.
I usually study English after work.
I usually study English before work.

Hey Jason! Do you go to movie theater often?
Yes, I go to movie theater at least twice a week.
I always go to movie theater on Friday.

English is hard.
English study is very hard.
I think / I believe +문장
I think I can speak like Jason.

I think we have to use English everyday.
I think we have to study English everyday.
I think we have to speak English everyday.

I think we have to make our habit to English expression.

I think I have to pause this lecture.
I think I have to watch this lecture again.

I think you have to eat breakfast everyday.

I think I have to watch news everyday.
완전초급 제 12강 - 문장부수기 중간정리 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/167
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