필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

완전초급 제 05강 - 동사를 이용한 회화

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동사는 명사와 명사 사이 또는 명사와 형용사 사이에 옵니다.

give 주다
I give lecture (to you / students).
I give a present to you.
I give a gift to you.
I give you a gift.

School gives knowledge to students.
Apple gives vitamins to people.

take 가져오다 (took 과거형)
I take exam.
I took Toeic.
I take lesson.
I take (과목이름) class.
I took that lecture before.
I took Jason's lecture before.
I watched Jason's class before.
I watched the show before.
I watched the movie.
I saw the movie.

I get this watch from the store.
I bought this watch from the store.

have 가지다.
I have money.
I have time.
I have an apple.
I have (가지고 있는 물건)
Think English has charm.

need 필요하다.
I need money.
I need (your) love.
I need girlfriend.
I need more time.

want 원하다.
accept 받아들이다.
I accept your apology.
I accept your money.
I accept your advice.

believe 믿다.
I believe you.
Jason believes that English is easy.
I believe God.
I believe in God.
I believe in you.
완전초급 제 05강 - 동사를 이용한 회화 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/160
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