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완전초급 제18강 - 접속사의 활용

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접속사의 활용

○ Coordinating conjunctions (등위 접속사)

and / or / nor / so
but / yet / for

Jason teaches English and Math.

A strong but warm breeze blew across the desert.

○ Subordinating conjunctions (종속 접속사)

after / if / though / although
in order that / unless / as
once / until / as if / since
when / because / so that / where
before / than / while
even though / that

종속접속사가 붙은 문장은 부가적인 설명입니다.

You are listening to Jason's T. E, because you want to
speak English.

I have to take your class, because I have to go to U. S.

I want to go to beach because weather is hot.
I would like to go to beach because weather is hot.
I want to go to beach because of the hot weather.

I want you to be proud T. E. students.

Jason is the teacher who came from Michigan, so that
he speaks like American.

Konglish To English.

잘못 쓰이는 말 : 썬탠 크림 suntan cream
TE correction : sunscreen lotion / sun block cream

잘못 쓰이는 말 : 컨닝 (부정행위) cunning
TE correction : cheating
완전초급 제18강 - 접속사의 활용 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/133
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