완전초급 제17강 - How
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How are you?
How did you do that?
How come?
How old are you?
How are you?
How about you?
How much 얼마에요
How many 몇 개에요
How much do I have to bring?
How many do I have to bring?
How much was it?
How many people are coming?
How many students are listening?
How many days?
How many?
How long?
how long is the waiting?
how old is that temple?
how old is that book?
how old is that (사물)?
how fast were you driving?
how fast were you going?
how fast can you eat?
how fast can you speak?
how fast can you run?
how fast can you read?
how do you study English?
how do you eat your meal?
how do you cook rice?
How was your vacation?
how was your boss?
how was your office?
How was your class?
how is your mom?
how was your exam?
how old is your boy/girl friend?
How did you do that?
How is your sun?
How is your mother?
How come?
How many children do you have?
How many brother/sisters do you have?
How many days do you work?
Konglish To English.
잘못 쓰이는 말 : 샐러리 맨
TE correction : business man
잘못 쓰이는 말 : (남녀의) 미팅 meeting
TE correction : blind date
완전초급 제17강 - How | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/132
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