완전초급 제 19강 - 종속 접속사를 이용한 연결고리 만들기
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I'll study English while you cook.
I'll watch think english while you cook for dinner.
I'm watching think english because I want to improve my english skill.
I'm watching think english because I want to increase my english ability.
I'm eating breakfast everyday because I want to get healthier.
I'm always taking a shower in the morning because it helps me to wake up.
내가 이 일을 하는 동안 저 것 좀 해줄래?
어떤 말이 중심일까요?
can you help me while I work on this.
I want you to help me while I finish this project.
I have to go to market.
while they watch TV.
I went to Europe while I had a vacation.
I went to Europe because it was a vacation.
while은 다른 사람이 어떠한 행동을 하는 동안 내가 어떤 일을 했을 때 사용하시고,
because는 이유를 말할 때 사용하시면 됩니다.
Now, it's only one class left, click... click... click one more time.
I'll be there!
완전초급 제 19강 - 종속 접속사를 이용한 연결고리 만들기 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/174
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