필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

완전초급 제16강 - Where, When, Which II

Last Updated :
where is the bathroom?
where is the drug store?
where is the restaurant?
where is the post office?

where are we meet(ing)?

where is Jason?
where is (사람)?

where are we going?
where are you going?
where is he/she going?

where did I put (사물)?
where did I put my watch?
where did I put my shirts?

where is (사물)?
where is my pants?
there it is.
oh, there!

when are you coming?
when are you going?

when are you going to go home?
when are you going to go for a walk?
when are you going to go to work?

when are you going to eat dinner/lunch?
when are you going to eat?
when are you going to play basketball?
when are you going to finish?
when are you going to study English?
when are you going to practice expressions?

when are you going to see Jason?
when are you going to see Tom?
when are you going to see Jack?
when are you going to see 사람이름?

which one
which day
which time
고를 수 있는 모든 곳에 사용...

which day is it?
what day is it?

which one? 어떤거?

which one do they want me to do?
which one they want me to do?

when you click my 동영상,
that's where I am
which is quite obvious.

Konglish To English.

잘못 쓰이는 말 : 탤런트 talent
TE correction : actor / actress

잘못 쓰이는 말 : 써클, 동아리 circle
TE correction : club / student group
완전초급 제16강 - Where, When, Which II | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/131
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