완전초급 제72강 - Is it all right...? “~해도 좋아요?” 허가를 구하는 표현
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오늘의 표현은 Is it all right~? 입니다.
~해도 좋아요?라는 허가를 구하는 표현입니다.
Is it all right to + 행동의 동사
Is it all right to use phone? 전화를 써도 될까요?
Is it all right to leave the car open?
차 문을 열어놔도 괜찮나요?
Is it all right to mention it to Jason?
제이슨에게 말해도 돼요?
Is it all right to use this glass 이 컵을 사용해도 돼요?
Is it all right to use the bathroom?
Is it all right to speak now?
Is it all right to take this?
Is it all right to eat this?
Is it all right for you?
Is it all right for me?
Is it all right to use this expression?
Is it all right to borrow this?
완전초급 제72강 - Is it all right...? “~해도 좋아요?” 허가를 구하는 표현 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/514
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