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테마특강 제06강 - 프레젠테이션의 도입부분

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The Beginning
It is imperative to plan your beginning carefully; there are five main elements:

1. Get their attention
Too often in a speech, the first few minutes of the presentation are lost while people adjust their coats, drift in with coffee and finish the conversation they were having with the person next to them.
You only have a limited time and every minute is precious to you so, from the beginning, make sure they pay attention.

2. Establish a theme
Basically, you need to start the audience thinking about the subject matter of your presentation.

This can be done by a statement of your main objective, unless for some reason you wish to keep it hidden. They will each have some experience or opinions on this and at the beginning you must make them bring that experience into their own minds.

3. Present a structure
If you explain briefly at the beginning of a talk how it is to proceed, then the audience will know what to expect.
This can help to establish the theme and also provide something concrete to hold their attention. Ultimately, it provides a sense of security in the promise that this speech too will end.

4. Create a rapport
If you can win the audience over in the first minute, you will keep them for the remainder. You should plan exactly how you wish to appear to them and use the beginning to establish that relationship. You may be presenting yourself as their friend, as an expert, perhaps even as a judge, but whatever role you choose you must establish it at the very beginning.

5. Administration
When planning your speech you should make a note to find out if there are any administrative details which need to be announced at the beginning of your speech. This is not simply to make yourself popular with the people organizing the session but also because if these details are over looked the audience may become distracted as they wonder what is going to happen next.
테마특강 제06강 - 프레젠테이션의 도입부분 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/432
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