테마특강 제05강 - 질문위주의 진행과 피라미드 형식의 장점!
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The aim of many presentations given by managers is to either explain a previous decision or to seek approval for a plan of action.
In these cases, the format can be question orientated. The format is to introduce the problem and any relevant background, and then to outline the various solutions to that problem listing the advantages and disadvantages of each solution in turn.
Finally, all possible options are summarized in terms of their pro's and con's, and either the preferred solution is presented for endorsement by the audience or a discussion is initiated leading to the decision.
One trick for obtaining the desired outcome is to establish during the presentation the criteria by which the various options are to be judged; this alone should allow you to obtain your desired outcome.
In a newspaper, the story is introduced in its entirety in a catchy first paragraph.
The next few paragraphs repeat the same information only giving further details to each point.
The next section repeats the entire story again, but developing certain themes within each of the sub-points and again adding more information.
This is repeated until the reporter runs out of story. The editor then simply decides upon the news worthiness of the report and cuts from the bottom to the appropriate number of column inches.
There are two main advantages to this style for presentations.
Firstly, it can increase the audiences receptiveness to the main ideas. Since at every stage of the pyramid they have all ready become familiar with the ideas and indeed know what to expect next.
This sense of deja vu can falsely give the impression that what they are hearing are their own ideas.
The second advantage is that the duration of the talk can be easily altered by cutting the talk in exactly the same way as the newspaper editor might have done to the news story.
This degree of flexibility may be useful if the same presentation is to be used several times in different situations.
The Meaty Sandwich
The simplest and most direct format remains the meaty sandwich.
This is the simple beginning-middle-end format in which the main meat of the exposition is contained in the middle and is proceeded by an introduction and followed by a summary and conclusion.
This is really the appropriate format for all small sub-sections in all the previous structures. If the talk is short enough, or the topic simple enough, it can indeed form the entirity of the presentation.
테마특강 제05강 - 질문위주의 진행과 피라미드 형식의 장점! | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/431
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