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테마특강 제03강 - 나만의 목표를 만들고 관객을 알자!

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Formulate your Objectives
The starting point in planning any speech is to formulate a precise objective.

This should take the form of a simple, concise statement of intent.

For example, the purpose of your speech may be to obtain funds, to evaluate a proposal, or to motivate your team.

No two objectives will be served equally well by the same presentation; and if you are not sure at the onset what you are trying to do, it is unlikely that your plan will achieve it.

One question is: how many different objectives can you achieve, in say, 30 minutes - and the answer: not many.
In the end it is far more productive to achieve one goal than to blunder over several.

The best approach is to isolate the essential objective and to list at most two others which can be addressed providing they do not distract from the main one.

Focus is key. If you do not focus upon your objective, it is unlikely that the audience will.

Identify the Audience

The next task is to consider the audience to determine how best to achieve your objectives in the context of these people.
Essentially this is done by identifying their aims and objectives while attending your presentation.
If you can somehow convince them they are achieving those aims while at the same time achieving your own, you will find a helpful and receptive audience.

For instance, if you are seeking approval for a new product plan from senior management, it is useful to know and understand their main objectives.
If they are currently worried that their product range is out of date and old fashioned, you would emphasis the innovative aspects of your new product; if they are fearful about product diversification you would then emphasis how well your new product fits within the existing catalogue.

This principal of matching the audience aims, however, goes beyond the simple salesmanship of an idea - it is the simplest and most effective manner of obtaining their attention at the beginning. If your opening remarks imply that you understand their problem and that you have a solution, then they will be flattered at your attention and attentive to your every word.
테마특강 제03강 - 나만의 목표를 만들고 관객을 알자! | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/429
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