테마특강 제02강 - 프레젠테이션의 목적과 계획
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The single most important observation is that the objective of communication is not the transmission but the reception.
The whole preparation, presentation and content of a speech must therefore be geared not to the speaker but to the audience.
The presentation of a perfect project plan is a failure if the audience do not understand or are not persuaded of its merits.
A customers' tour is a waste of time if they leave without realizing the full worth of your product.
The objective of communication is to make your message understood and remembered.
The main problem with this objective is, of course, the people to whom you are talking.
The average human being has a very short attention span and a million other things to think about.
Your job in the presentation is to reach through this mental fog and to hold the attention long enough to make your point.
The Plan
It is difficult to over estimate the importance of careful preparation.
Five minutes on the floor in front of senior management could decide the acceptance of a proposal of several months duration for the manager and the whole team.
With so much potentially at stake, the presenter must concentrate not only upon the facts being presented but upon the style, pace, tone and ultimately tactics which should be used.
As a rule of thumb for an average presentation, no less than 1 hour should be spent in preparation for 5 minutes of talking.
Suppose you have a talk to give, where do you start?
테마특강 제02강 - 프레젠테이션의 목적과 계획 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/428
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