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테마특강 제15강 - Summary 2

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Part 2: Writing to Control Tone
Your tone becomes apparent to your reader with your first words-- your greeting (hi there or dear colleagues)--and your last words-- your signature (Sam Smith, Customers Relations Manger or The Custom Relations Department). How you order information, and how you structure your sentences in the body of your message reinforces your tone.

The greeting in your e-mail establishes your relationship to your reader. Most writers of business e-mail begin their messages with "Hi" or "Hello" followed by the recipient's first name: "Hello, Fred." Some writers begin the message with the first name only."Dear" is still an acceptable greeting in e-mail, not merely a vestige of outdated "print" culture.
If you're writing an e-mail message to a group, use the group name in the greeting. Don't begin your message "Hi, guys" or "Everybody." Though this extremely casual greeting may sound friendly, it is actually just vague."Dear Leadership Team" or "Hello, Interns." A more specific greeting sets a focused tone to the message and lets readers know right away who the message is for.
Do write a closing for your message. Besides making it easier for your reader to find the end of the message, the closing seals the tone and serves as a final reminder of the main point or requested outcome. Try an action-oriented closing such as "Thanks for sending me the proposal draft," or "I'll call you on Tuesday to schedule the meeting." Or go for a gracious closing: "Thanks for your help," "Best regards," or "I look forward to meeting you."

The beginning of an e-mail message sets the tone and emphasizes content for the message. Set a direct tone by communicating the most important information first. But what if the most important information is bad news: a cut in funding, a rejected application, the immediate transfer of the hardest-working person in the department? Will leading with the bad news damage your tone? The answer is no. Even when the main point of the message is bad news, you must lead with it. Burying the bad news somewhere in the middle or end of the message is harmful; readers may miss it or misinterpret its importance.

To make your e-mail writing personal, address your reader directly. Use the pronoun "you." Write: "You may use the Executive Health Club on weekends." Avoid: "Employees may use the Executive Health Club on weekends." Use the pronouns "I" and "we" when referring to yourself or your organization. Write: "I discovered that our mail room clerks were throwing away most of the promotional fliers." Avoid: "It was discovered that most of the promotional fliers were being thrown away."Write: "Because you used the product incorrectly we will not refund your money." Avoid:"Mannheim Manufacturing cannot refund your money because the product was used incorrectly."

Active voice makes your e-mail tone clearer and more direct. Active voice makes the "doer" in the sentence clear. When you write in the active voice your e-mail tone won't sound bureaucratic the way passive voice does. Write in the active voice: "We will gladly provide funding and materials just as soon as the foundation accepts your proposal. Avoid passive voice: "Funding and materials will be provided promptly when the proposal has been accepted."
We all know that the volume of e-mail we answer each day makes it difficult to write each message thoughtfully and attend to the tone of the language we choose. But if we want our messages to achieve our goals, we must set the tone in e-mail just as we do when we speak. Just let Humpty Dumpty be your guide, quoted here by Lewis Carroll: "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less."
테마특강 제15강 - Summary 2 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/426
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