테마특강 제03강 - What to listen and how to answer!
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이번 강의부터는 같은 10가지 질문으로 계속 강의가 진행 됩니다.
우리가 질문을 들었을 때는 어떻게 답을 해야 하는지 빠르게 계산이 되어야 합니다.
영어 질문은 질문 속에 들어있는 말을 그대로 반복해서 답을 할 때가 가장 정확한 답을 표현하는 것입니다.
1. Would you please tell me about yourself?
2. What's your strength(strong point) or weakness(weak point)?
3. What's kind of personality do you think you have?
4. Do you have any qualification or particular skills?
5. What do you think of your english?
6. How long does it take to this office from your home?
7. What made you to decide to applying this company?
8. Are you familiar with our major products?
9. Have you apply to any other companies?
10. What made you to decide to change your job?
테마특강 제03강 - What to listen and how to answer! | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/404
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