테마특강 제17강 - Book store(서점) 2
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W: Best seller book?
J: Yeah.
W: Here is the fiction best seller, and we got non-fiction best seller.
J: So this is fiction and non-fiction best seller?
W: yes, fiction and non-fiction best seller is right here. Is there particular title you are looking for? Are you a barnes and novel member?
J: No, I’ll sign up for it quick.
W: Okay. What’s going to happen is that you’ll get additional discount… membership fee is 25 dollars for year.
J: What about for the international customer, because I’m Korean.
W: As far as I know barnes and novel membership is for US resident only, but you can use the on-line… How long are you going to be here?
J: Just few more days, but it’s okay because my sister is going to be here, so.
W: right, I would say give you sister’s phone numbers here, list as your family.
J: Okay, it is nationwide, right?
W: It is nation wide. So, like on this one you already have 7 dollars off.
J: Alright.
W: What is your last name?
J: Jang, J… A… N… G.
테마특강 제17강 - Book store(서점) 2 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/377
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