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테마특강 제9강 - 렌트카 Alamo 5

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J: I guess it was a bad idea to… I was going to go with the compact car before.

A: You are better off with the full size car, because you got four wheels-drives.

J: Okay. Pontiac G6, is it same as Grand-am?

A: Pretty close, they don’t make Grand-am anymore.

J: I just prove myself that I’ve been away for a while. Hahaha!

A: There is one other insurance that I might recommend is that road side service for the flat tires and cracked windshield.

J: Okay.

A: It’s not the part of collision fee, it is additional 4.99.

J: everyday, uh? Man, it adds up.

A: I got to offer to you. If something happens then I get in a trouble not asking.

J: because I mean, I’m on the highway…

A: See, you are on you own with the flat tire, and if tires like you know sometimes you get flat it’s not repairable and better get a new one.

J: Personally you are recommending, right?

A: Yeah, there is lots of construction, I believe. Damn, express ways got… tear this thing up tear that up… so.
테마특강 제9강 - 렌트카 Alamo 5 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/369
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