테마특강 제2강 - Restaurant (음식점)
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Let’s go in…
W: This is specials…
J: Specials? Okay.
W: And also sword fish and tuna are in season.
. You can see the special rate here.
J: For I mean, this is crab house so maybe I should order crab.
W: Oh, all seafood is fresh here, and these are
. all the fish. If you like fish… If you like shell fish,
. this one is very good. Colossal prawns, this is
. huge shrimp. They are gigantic. They are grilled
. served with scallops, half and half. That’s the chief…
. Jim Gammon’s dish, and that’s very nice.
J: So this is chief’s choice, huh! I’m going to go
. with the crab, and there is two different one.
. Dungeness and…
W: That’s the cold one, this one is out of the shell
. which is baked. This is soup. The one that the
. other table is having is roasted crab.
J: I don’t know which one will be better, cold one
. is better or roasted one?
W: It is up to you, I like it hot.
J: Hot is better, I’ll go with hot then.
W: Okay, you want to try it?
J: I’ll try that one.
W: Alright.
J: Is that comes with soup or anything?
W: No, but you can order a soup if you like.
J: Okay. You have a clam chowder and lobster biscuit.
W: Clam chowder is excellent here.
J: Alright, I’ll try clam chowder also.
W: Ok, clam chowder.
J: Yup.
W: Okay.
J: That will do.
테마특강 제2강 - Restaurant (음식점) | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/362
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