필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

초중급 49. 제49강 - Disease is held in...

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Disease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the illness, and by the attention given to the illness.
질병은 생각에 의해, 질병을 관찰하는 것에 의해, 그리고 질병에 관심을 갖는 것에 의해 몸 안에 자리잡게 된다.

Disease is held / in the body / by thought, / by observation / of the illness, / and / by the attention / given / to the illness.

초중급 49. 제49강 - Disease is held in... | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/329
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