초중급 제18강 - Like / look like / be like and like / as
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To talk about tastes: what we enjoy or prefer.
♦ What sport does Peter like?
He likes football.
To ask for / give an opinion about appearance.
♦ What does Peter look like?
He is tall, dark and handsome.
He looks like George Clooney.
To ask for / give a general description.
♦hat is Julie like?
She is reliable, pleasant and helpful.
She is like a friend.
like / as
◊ Like is a preposition, used before a noun or pronoun, to say that two things are similar.
* He works like a slave.
* They swim like fish.
◊ As, as a preposition, before a noun or pronoun, is used to refer to jobs and functions.
* He works as an accountant.
* She was employed as a teacher.
◊ As, as a conjunction, is used before subject + verb, or before a prepositional expression.
* As I said before, I will meet you at the airport.
* In the summer, as on Saturdays, the shop opens at 8 a.m.
Compare :
I am your friend, and as your friend, I advise you to be careful.
I don't know you, but like your friend, I advise you to be careful.
( = I agree with your friend, I think the same way).
초중급 제18강 - Like / look like / be like and like / as | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/278
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