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초중급 제16강 - Wish / if and whether / if

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1) To express a regret about the present, we use wish + the past simple :
- I don't play the piano → I wish I played the piano.

2) To express a regret about the past, we use wish + the past perfect :
- Julie lost her umbrella yesterday → Julie wishes she hadn't lost her umbrella.

3) To express a desire to change something, we use wish + the conditional (would)
- The neighbours are making noise → I wish they would stop making noise.


1) After if, we often use were instead of was, especially in a formal style where it is considered more correct.
- If I were rich, I would travel all over the world.
- If he were a better manager, the company would be more successful.

2) We use the structure "if I were you ..." to give advice.
- If I were you I would take English lessons.

whether - if

Whether and if can both be used in the following cases:

1) To express alternatives :
- I don't know whether/if I'll go to the party (or not).

2) To report a question :
- Are you going to the party?
→ She asked me whether/if I was going to the party (or not).

Only whether can be used in the following cases :

1) When followed by an infinitive :
- I don't know whether to go to the party or not.

2) After prepositions :
- It depends on whether I get home early or not.

3) When whether begins a clause which is the subject of a sentence :
- Whether I go to the party or to the cinema makes no difference to me.

4) When followed directly by 'or not':
- I'll be happy whether or not I go to the party.
초중급 제16강 - Wish / if and whether / if | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/276
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