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초중급 제15강 - For / since / ago

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For - since - ago are used to talk about time

For is used to say how long an action or situation lasts.

*For is used with the Present Perfect :
- I have been waiting at the bus stop for 10 minutes.
- I have lived in this country for 10 years.
- I went to Venice for a week-end.

*For can also be used with other tenses :
- Present: I go on holidays for two weeks every year in the summer.
- Past: When I was sixteen, I stayed in London for two months.
- Future: During* my trip to the USA next month, I will be in San Diego for two days.

*N.B.: during means in the course of (an action or event).

Since is used to refer to the starting point of actions or situations.
It is generally used with the Present Perfect.
* I have been waiting for the bus since 8 o'clock.
* I live in Tokyo. I have lived in Tokyo since January 2005.
* I have been learning English since the beginning of the year.

Ago is used to say when past events happened, going back from today towards the past.

* I came to Tokyo three years ago.
* I arrived at the bus stop ten minutes ago.
* I visited New York two years ago.

for : ~ 동안
since : ~부터
ago : ~전에

먼저 어떠한 기간 동안을 말하고 싶을 때에는 for를 사용합니다. 이때는 for 을 먼저 쓰신 후 기간을 넣어줍니다

for a month : 한달동안
for 3 years : 3년 동안

언제부터 무엇을 해 왔다는 것을 말하고 싶을 때에는 since를 사용합니다. 이때도 for와 마찬가지로 since를 먼저 쓰신 후 날짜를 넣습니다.
for나 ago와 다른 점이라면, 특정한 시점만 사용한다는 것입니다.

since 1999 : 1999년부터
since I was young : 내가 젊었을 때부터

지나간 시간을 말하고 싶을 때에는 ago를 사용합니다.
몇 년 전이라 던지, 몇 달 전이라 던지의 경우입니다. for와 since와는 달리 시간을
먼저 쓰신 후 ago를 뒤에 붙입니다.

30 years ago : 30년 전에
5 months ago : 5개월 전에
초중급 제15강 - For / since / ago | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/275
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