초중급 제13강 - 관사의 정리
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A and an are indefinite articles used to refer to a singular countable noun.
An indefinite article means that we don't know which one, or it is
not important.
A is used before a consonant (b,c,d,f,g,etc.): a car
An is used before a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) : an animal
1. Tom lives in a town.
2. Julie is reading an English book.
3. We eat meat with a knife and a fork.
The is a definite article used to talk about something specific.
1. The town where Tom lives is very big.
2. What book is Julie reading? She is reading the book Tom gave her.
The is also used to refer to:
1. Rivers, seas, oceans :
the Mississippi, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic.
2. Nationalities :
the British, the Americans, the Japanese
no article
No article is used in generalizations :
1. I like music.
2. Caviar is expensive.
Exceptions :
1. I watch television but I listen to the radio and I go to the cinema.
2. I don't play tennis but I play the piano, the guitar, etc.
No article is used for place names (towns, countries, mountains):
1. London, Spain, Mount Everest
except if plural :
1. The Greek Islands, The United States, The Alps
I have a dog.(나는 어떤 개를 가지고 있다.) / I have the dog.(나는 그 개를 가지고 있다.)
Close a door. (문 닫아라.) / Close the door. (그 문 닫아라.)
초중급 제13강 - 관사의 정리 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/273
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