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초중급 제10강 - Already / still / always / yet

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'Already' is used to say that something has happened
earlier than expected or earlier than it might have happened.
"Hurry up Susan. Breakfast is ready!"
"I've already had breakfast thanks. I woke up early."

'Still' is used to refer to continuing situations.
"They've been married for 40 years and they still love each other."

'Always' refers to something which happens regularly.
"I always send cards at Christmas."

'Yet' is used :
- to ask if something expected has happened :

"Has the postman arrived yet?"
- to say that something expected hasn't happened :

"The postman hasn't arrived yet."
Point 1 :
already / yet / still:
already : 이미, 벌써
still: 여전히 (긍정문 부정문)
yet: 여전히(부정문에서만 쓰임)
->부정문에서의 yet과 still의 구별 : sill은 부정어의 앞에, yet은 부정어의 뒤에 위치

(1) Several corporations in the industry have already broken into international markets.
(2) The building is complete, but the gas has still not been turned on
(3) Bill will not compete in this year’s race because he has not yet recovered from a broken rib.

Point 2 : much too (= very, extremely) + 형용사 / too much + 명사
(1) the other one was much too expensive
(2) Although homework is a key teaching method, too much homework can keep teens from other activities.

Point 3 :
- 정확한 횟수 나타내는 빈도부사 (everyday, monthly, twice a year) -> 문장 제일 앞이나 뒤에 위치
- 막연한 빈도를 나타내는 빈도부사 (often, sometimes, always, usually, rarely, seldom) ->본동사와 조동사 사이에 위치
(1) In some areas the property price can rise monthly
(2) They often spent Christmas at Nam-San Hill

*빈도부사의 빈도별 정리
always -> often -> usually -> sometimes(때때로, cf: sometime:언젠가는) once in a week -> rarely -> scarcely, seldom, hardly

point 5
지속성을 나타내는 부사
consistently, constantly, incessantly, unceasingly (cease: 그만두다 에서 파생)
초중급 제10강 - Already / still / always / yet | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/270
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