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초중급 제09강 - 현재완료 / 과거 / 과거진행 / 과거완료

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Present and Past Tense Revision

Present Simple (ex: I play)

Routine, habits, repetitive actions :- I play tennis every Saturday.

Tastes :- I like chocolate, I hate doing homework

Facts :The sun rises in the east.

Present Continuous (ex : I am playing)

Continuous action :- at the time of speaking : ex : I am reading this explanation now- around now : ex : I am learning English this year.
Planned future arrangement :- I am visiting Rome next Monday.

Past Simple (ex : I played)

A finished action at a specific finished time in the past.- In 1997 I bought a new car.- When I was young, I rode a bicycle to school.- I saw your dog 5 minutes ago.

Present Perfect
- Continuous (ex : I have been playing)
- Simple (ex : I have played)
Continuous or finished actions in unfinished time.

Present Perfect Continuous :
- An action which started in the past and continues today
ex : I have been learning English since September. (The year is not finished; I am still learning).

Present Perfect Simple :
- The completed or finished part of a continuous action
ex : So far this year, we have learned new vocabularye have revised some grammar rulese have watched several films.
(The programme is not finished, but we have done part of it.)
초중급 제09강 - 현재완료 / 과거 / 과거진행 / 과거완료 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/269
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