필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

초중급 제05강 - 현재완료 / 현재완료진행

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완료형들은 시점을 가지고 있어서 한글과 비슷한 성격을 가지고 있습니다.
완료와 완료진행을 형식만이 아닌 활용의 관점에서 살펴볼까요?

Present Perfect Tense 현재완료형
I have done
You have done
He / She / It has done
We have done
They have done

I haven't done
You haven't done
He/She/It hasn't done
We haven't done
They haven't done

Have I done?
Have you done?
Has he/she/it done?
Have we done?
Have they done?

The Present Perfect Simple is used to refer to the finished part of a continuous action. 진행 중이던 행동의 일부가 끝나는 것을 나타낼 때 사용합니다.
ex : So far in my English course I have learnt new vocabulary.
I have revised some grammar rules.
(영어 코스는 끝나지 않았지만 몇몇 레슨은 마쳤다는 말입니다.)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense 현재완료진행형
I have been doing
You have been doing
He/She/It has been doing
We have been doing
They have been doing

I haven't been doing
You haven't been doing
He/She/It hasn't been doing
We haven't been doing
They haven't been doing

Have I been doing?
Have you been doing?
Has he/she/it been doing?
Have we been doing?
Have they been doing?

The Present Perfect Continuous is used to refer to an action started in the past which continues today.
ex : I have been learning English since September.
(I started in September and I continue to take lessons today.)

The Present Perfect is used to refer to actions which take place in an unfinished time period up to now.
Example : Today, it is now 2 p.m.
At 9 o'clock this morning you started revising your English.
Today is not finished, so you can say "I have been revising my English since 9 o'clock."
(You are still revising, so the continuous form is used.)

You have done part of the revision work, which is not finished, so at 2 p.m. you can say:
"So far today, I have revised tenses and irregular verbs."
(You do not mention any specific time; you refer to today which is not finished.)

N.B. If you refer now (2 pm) to the morning, for example, which is finished, you must use the Past Simple.
ex : This morning I revised tenses and irregular verbs.
초중급 제05강 - 현재완료 / 현재완료진행 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/265
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