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초중급 제03강 - 과거 / 과거진행형

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과거형과 과거진행형을 만들기 위해서는 동사의 변화에 대한 집중이 필요합니다.
동사의 변형 중 불규칙동사로 나눠지는 동사는 암기하셔야 합니다.
보통의 동사는 과거에서 동사의 뒤에 ed를 붙이기만 하면 됩니다.

의문문과 부정문에 조동사 did를 사용하며 동사는 원형으로 바뀌게 됩니다.

Past Simple Tense 과거형
I played
You played
He / She / It played
We played
They played

I didn't play
You didn't play
He/She/It didn't play
We didn't play
They didn't play

Did I play?
Did you play?
Did he/she/it play?
Did we play?
Did they play?

과거형은 이미 종결된 행동을 말할 때 사용합니다.
Yesterday evening, I played tennis with a friend.
In 2010, I started taking tennis lessons.
When I was at school, I hated history.
Five minutes ago, I finished the report for my boss.
Last week I attended a meeting in Michigan.
Past Continuous Tense 과거 진행형
I was playing
You were playing
He / She / It was playing
We were playing
They were playing

I wasn't playing
You weren't playing
He/She/It wasn't playing
We weren't playing
They weren't playing

Was I playing?
Were you playing?
Was he/she/it playing?
Were we playing?
Were they playing?

The Past Continuous tense is used to talk about a continuous action which took place at a specific time in the past.
- Yesterday evening, at 9 o'clock, I was watching television.

It is also used, in sentences with when or while, to refer to an action which was taking place when a shorter, brief action took place.

- Yesterday evening, while I was watching television, the phone rang.
- When my husband arrived home yesterday evening, I was cooking dinner.
초중급 제03강 - 과거 / 과거진행형 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/263
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