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초중급 제02강 - 현재 / 현재진행형

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각각의 시제는 3가지의 형태로 나누어 연습하여야 합니다.
긍정, 부정 그리고 의문의 형태의 예로 나누어 생각하고 말해보면 시제의 활용이 더욱 쉬워질 것입니다.

Present Simple Tense 현재형
I play
You play
He / She / It plays
We play
They play

I don't play
You don't play
He/She/It doesn't play
We don't play
They don't play

Do I play?
Do you play?
Does he/she/it play?
Do we play?
Do they play?

현재형의 사용은
1. regular activities(평상 시 행위들), routine(반복적인 행동), habits(습관)에서 사용 됩니다.
- Jason plays tennis once a week.
- We start work at 9 a.m. every day.
- Peter eats fish on Fridays.

2. tastes(입맛에 대한 말)를 말할 때 사용합니다.
- Jason likes Japanese food.
- Peter doesn't like fish.
- Their children love chocolate.

3. facts(사실)를 말할 때 사용합니다.
- The sun rises in the east.
- In Europe, the weather is cold in winter.
- Authors write books.

Present Continuous Tense 현재 진행형
I am playing
You are playing
He / She / It is playing
We are playing
They are playing

I'm not playing
You're not playing
He/She/It's not playing
We aren't playing
They aren't playing

Am I playing?
Are you playing?
Is he/she/it playing?
Are we playing?
Are they playing?

현재 진행형의 사용은
1. 진행되는 행동들을 말할 때 사용합니다.
a. at the time of speaking
- I am reading this page now.
b. around now, in a more general sense
- I am learning English this year.

2. To talk about planned future arrangements
- Next month I am spending my holidays in Australia.
I have already booked my flight.
- Our neighbours are coming to dinner tomorrow.
They have accepted our invitation.
초중급 제02강 - 현재 / 현재진행형 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/262
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