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초중급 제5강 - 단문은 전치사로 복문은 접속사로...

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- 완전초급강의와 문법네비게이션을 통해 접속사의 개념 강의는 충분히 하셨을 것입니다. 지금부터 필요한건 최소한의 접속사와 전치사로 전달하고자 하는 말을 상대방에게 전하는 것입니다.

Coordinating conjunctions (등위 접속사)
And / or / nor / so
But / yet / for

Jason teaches English and Math.

A strong but warm breeze blew across the desert.

Jason teaches English and Math.

Jason teaches English but not Math.

Please print or type the information.
프린트 또는 type 하란 말
비교: please print instead of type. 여기에선 프린트하란 말

Her argument were easy to ridicule yet hard to refute.
그녀의 논증은 조롱하긴 쉬우나 반박하긴 어렵다.

Jason's class is easy to follow yet hard to refuse.
제이슨의 수업은 따라 하긴 쉽지만 거부하긴 어렵다.

I like ice-cream but not soft drink.
난 아이스크림을 좋아하지만 음류수는 싫어한다.

I like ice-cream and soft drink.
난 아이스크림과 음료수를 좋아한다.

I go to church on Sunday and I also go to movie.
I like movie but not the romance one.

Subordinating conjunctions (종속 접속사)
After / if / though / although
In / order that / unless / as
Once / until / as if / since
When / because / so that / where
Before / than / while
Even though / that

종속접속사가 붙은 문장은 부가적인 설명입니다.

You are listening to Jason's T. E, because you want to speak English.
I have to take your class, because I have to go to U. S.

I want to go to beach because weather is hot.
I would like to go to beach because weather is hot.
I want to go to beach because of the hot weather.

I am teaching this class, because I want you to speak English.

I eat because I have to live.
I have to live because I have to eat.

I study English because I have to take a test.

I'm studying English because I have to get a better job.

I came to America, because I want to see many things.

I came here before the show.

I eat dinner before I watch TV.

I practice expressions before I watch lectures.

I watch lectures after I practice expressions.

I bought this book that I need.
난 내게 필요한 책을 샀다. (여기에선 문장 전체가 아닌 책만 수식)
초중급 제5강 - 단문은 전치사로 복문은 접속사로... | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/225
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