초중급 제13강 - 저녁유형 정리
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I'm dead (안 좋은 상태)
I should eat dinner
I should take shower.
I think I have to ...
I think I should ...
Where is ...
where did I ...
where should I put (물건)?
what is on TV?
what is on (볼 것들)?
After A, B = before B, A
B after A = A before B
After I finish my dinner, I will call my friend.
After I finish my dinner, I always call my parents.
After I finish my dinner, I usually read a book.
Before I watch TV, I usually take a shower.
Before I call my friend, I usually eat dinner.
Make sure to study expressions until next session.
you have to study expressions until next session.
you should study expressions until next session.
I only can eat dinner until 8 p. m.
I doubt that ...
I will do that
go there
see that
doubt = don't think
I doubt that I can see the movie tomorrow.
If I eat dinner, I wouldn't be starved.
If I were you, I would study think English.
If I were you, I would pay more attention.
I wish I could have studied harder.
I wish I could have been more like you.
I finished so much study.
I finished so much work.
I accomplished so much ~
finally, it's over.
초중급 제13강 - 저녁유형 정리 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/213
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