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초중급 제9강 - 저녁유형 소개

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영어는 언어입니다.
언어는 느낌과 생각의 전달이므로 꾸준히 사용해야 합니다.
아침은 준비, 계획에 관한 표현들이지만 저녁은 정리의 표현들이 나옵니다.

Evening is time to relax and set the brand new day for tomorrow.

I had such a hard day.
It was tough day.

I finished so much work.
I accomplished so much work.
I covered so much work.

Finally it's done!
Finally it's over/finished!

I need to take a shower.
I have to take a shower.

I need to eat dinner.
I have to eat something.

I'm starving.
Is there anything to eat?
Is there anything to eat in the freeze?
Umm, let's see.
what is in the freeze?

Let's get something...
Let's get something to eat.
Let's get something to nibble.
Let's get something to fill our stomach.
obesity 비만

I'm dead tired.
I'm dead sleepy.

who should I call?
where should I call?
which number should I call?


After wash my hands, I eat dinner.
I wash my hands, before I eat dinner

if는 시제 한 단계를 움직일 수 있다.

I wish I could have done ...

where is the controller?
There it is.
what's on TV?
초중급 제9강 - 저녁유형 소개 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/209
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