필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

초중급 제6강 - 아침유형 III

Last Updated :
Where is (찾는 물건)?
Where is my bag?

Where did I put (찾는 물건)?
Where did I put my socks?

Where is my note book?
Where did I put my note book?

How should I ...
How should I study?
How should I take a shower?
How long should it take?
How long should I spend to prepare?
How come?

선택을 하는 표현을 할 때.
Which one should I wear?
Which tie should I wear?
Which shoes should I wear?
Which bag should I wear?

Which one do you want?

1 Where
2. where did I
3. how
4. which

Where is my bag?
Where did I put my bag?
How long does it take?
How did I do this before?
How did I do that?
Which one should I watch?
Which one should I click?
Which one should I pick?
Which one should we watch?
Which one should I choose?

who should I meet?
who was it?
who is it?

How did I put this before?
How come I don't remember?

where is my necklace?
where did I put my necklace?
How come I don't remember where I put it?
Which one should I take?
Which necklace should I take?

How come I don't wash?
How come I don't study?
How come I speak so well?
초중급 제6강 - 아침유형 III | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/206
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