완전초급 제 17강 - 접속사 : 문장과 문장의 연결 고리
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Conjunctions connect words or groups of words to each other. There are four kinds of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctive adverbs.
접속사는 단어 또는 단어의 그룹 즉 문장을 이어주는 역할을 합니다.
접속사의 종류는 4 가지로서,
1. coordinating conjunction 등위 접속사
2. correlative conjunction 상관 접속사
3. subordinating conjunction 종속 접속사
4. conjunctive adverbs 접속 부사
이렇게 4가지로 나누어 집니다.
and, but, or, nor, so, for, yet
both ... and, neither ... nor, either ... or
not only ... but also, just as ... so, whether ... or
after, if, though, although, in order that, unless, as
once, until, as if, since, when, because, so that, where
before, than, while, even though, that
also, indeed, now, anyway, instead, otherwise, besides, likewise
similarly, certainly, meanwhile, still, finally, moreover, then, furthermore
namely, therefore, however, nevertheless, thus, incidentally, next, undoubtedly
The cider tasted bitter; however, each of us drank a tall glass of it.
The cider tasted bitter; each of us, however, drank a tall glass of it.
The cider tasted bitter. Each of us drank a tall glass of it, however.
완전초급 제 17강 - 접속사 : 문장과 문장의 연결 고리 | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/172
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