필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

완전초급 제12강-850 단어 활용 2 - 명사 1편 (1 ~ 200 단어)

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12강 850 단어 활용 2 - 명사 1편 (1 ~ 200 단어) 

1. account
2. act
3. addition
4. adjustment
5. advertisement
6. agreement
7. air
8. amount
9. amusement
10. animal
11. answer
12. apparatus
13. approval
14. argument
15. art
16. attack
17. attempt
18. attention
19. attraction
20. authority
21. back
22. balance
23. base
24. behavior
25. belief
26. birth
27. bit
28. bite
29. blood
30. blow
31. body
32. brass
33. bread
34. breath
35. brother
36. building
37. burn
38. burst
39. business
40. butter
41. canvas
42. care
43. cause
44. chalk
45. chance
46. change
47. cloth
48. coal
49. color
50. comfort
51. committee
52. company
53. comparison
54. competition
55. condition
56. connection
57. control
58. cook
59. copper
60. copy
61. cork
62. copy
63. cough
64. country
65. cover
66. crack
67. credit
68. crime
69. crush
70. cry
71. current
72. curve
73. damage
74. danger
75. daughter
76. day
77. death
78. debt
79. decision
80. degree
81. design
82. desire
83. destruction
84. detail
85. development
86. digestion
87. direction
88. discovery
89. discussion
90. disease
91. disgust
92. distance
93. distribution
94. division
95. doubt
96. drink
97. driving
98. dust
99. earth
100. edge
101. education
102. effect
103. end
104. error
105. event
106. example
107. exchange
108. existence
109. expansion
110. experience
111. expert
112. fact
113. fall
114. family
115. father
116. fear
117. feeling
118. fiction
119. field
120. fight
121. fire
122. flame
123. flight
124. flower
125. fold
126. food
127. force
128. form
129. friend
130. front
131. fruit
132. glass
133. gold
134. government
135. grain
136. grass
137. grip
138. group
139. growth
140. guide
141. harbor
142. harmony
143. hate
144. hearing
145. heat
146. help
147. history
148. hole
149. hope
150. hour
151. humor
152. ice
153. idea
154. impulse
155. increase
156. industry
157. ink
158. insect
159. instrument
160. insurance
161. interest
162. invention
163. iron
164. jelly
165. join
166. journey
167. judge
168. jump
169. kick
170. kiss
171. knowledge
172. land
173. language
174. laugh
175. low
176. lead
177. learning
178. leather
179. letter
180. level
181. lift
182. light
183. limit
184. linen
185. liquid
186. list
187. look
188. loss
189. love
190. machine
191. man
192. manager
193. mark
194. market
195. mass
196. meal
197. measure
198. meat
199. meeting
200. memory

600개의 이름 중 300개의 이름들이 그들과의 직접적인 의미를 가진 새로운 단어를 만들기 위해 -er, -ing, -ed를 사용할 수 있다.

이 이름들 중, 200개는 일반이고 100개는 그림화 된 것들의 이름들이다.
사물의 이름은 첨부에 의해 형성된다
-er: 어떤 행동을 하는 사람
-ing: 행동 
the name of a quality by -ing: 그 행동을 하는 과정
-ed: 그 일을 겪었기 때문에 

위의 것들은 300개의 이름 중 어느 하나에나 사용될 수 있지만, 어떤 것에는 필요하지 않다. 

200개의 일반 이름
850단어장에서 제공합니다. 

act, air, answer, attack, attempt, back, balance, base, breath, burn, butter, cause, chalk, chance, change, cloth, coal, color, comfort, condition, control, cook, copper, copy, cork, cough, cover, crack, credit, crush, cry, curve, damage, design, desire, detail, disgust, doubt, dust, edge, effect, end, exchange, experience, fear, fire, flower, fold, force, form, front, grip, group, guide, harbor, hate, heat, help, hope, humor, ice, increase, ink, interest, iron, join, journey, judge, jump, kick, kiss, land, laugh, letter, level, lift, light, limit, list, look, love, machine, mark, market, mass, measure, milk, mine, motion, move, name, need, note, number, offer, oil, order, ornament, page. pain, paint, paper, part, paste, place, plant, play, point, poison, polish, powder, price, print, process, produce, profit, protest, pull, purpose, push, question, rain, range, rate, ray, reason, record, regret, request, respect, rest, reward, roll, rub, rule, salt, scale, seat, sense, shade, shame, shock, side, sign, silver, slip, slope, smash, smell, smile, smoke, sneeze, snow, soap, sort, sound, space, stage, start, steam, steel, step, stitch, stone, stop, stretch, sugar, support, surprise, talk, taste, tax, test, thunder, time, tin, top, touch, trade, transport, trick, trouble, turn, twist, unit, use, value, view, voice, walk, wash, waste, water, wave, wax, weather, weight, word, work, wound. 

100개의 그림화 할 수 있는 것
850단어장에서 제공합니다. 

arch, arm, band, bath, bed, board, bone, book, bottle, box, brain, branch, brick, bridge, brush, button, cake, cart, chain, circle, cloud, coat, comb, cord, curtain, cushion, drain, dress, drop, eye, face, farm, feather, finger, fish, floor, fork, frame, garden, glove, hammer, hand, hat, head, hook, house, jewel, knife, knot, line, lock, map, mouth, nail, nerve, net, parcel, pen, pencil, picture, pin, pipe, plane, plate, plow, pocket, pot, prison, pump, rail, receipt, ring, roof, root, sail, school, screw, seed, ship, shoe, skin, skirt, sponge, square, stamp, star, station, store, sun, thread, thumb, ticket, train, wall, watch, wheel, whip, whistle, wire, worm. 

예제 중에서 빈칸에 dress, range, cloud, map 을 배치 시켜보세요. 
We have jewels (rang)ing in quality from the poorest to the best.
우리는 극빈층에서 고위층까지 품질의 보석을 가지고 있다. 

The mother is (dress)ing the baby.
엄마가 아기에게 옷을 입히고 있다.
Take the digestion into account when (mapp)ing out a meal for persons in hospital.
병원에 있는 사람들을 위한 식사를 준비할 때는 소화를 고려해라
The glass was (cloud)ed with steam.
유리잔에 김이 서려있었다.  

완전초급 제12강-850 단어 활용 2 - 명사 1편 (1 ~ 200 단어) | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/147
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각각 콘텐츠의 저작권은 제공처 또는 생각영어에 있으며 이를 무단 이용하는 경우 저작권법 등에 따라 법적책임을 질 수 있습니다.
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