필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

완전초급 제20강 - How to expand my expressions?

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마지막 강의입니다.
작은 표현이 늘어나는 방법을 활용해 보겠습니다.

I go to school.
I have to go to school.
I should go to school.
I want to go to school.
I would like to go to school.
I need to go to school.

You/He/She have to go to school.
You/He/She should go to school.
You/He/She want to go to school.
You/He/She would like to go to school.
You/He/She need to go to school.

I have to go to work.
I should go to work.
I want to go to work.
I would like to go to work.
I need to go to work.

주어 + 표현 + 동사

I have to take a bus.
I have to come home.
I have to come to class.

How about going out for dinner?
how about practice English?

I think ~
I think you have to study.
I think you should study.
I think you have to take a shower.

I believe ~
I believe you have to study.
I believe you should study.
I believe you have to take a shower.

문법적으로 보면, I think와 I believe 다음엔 that 절이 되는 것입니다.
완전초급 제20강 - How to expand my expressions? | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/135
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