필수 영단어장 무료 기초 영어학습

완전초급 제14강 - 사람은 Who, 사물은 What

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Who and What

누가 왔을 때...
Who is it?

사물을 보면서...
What is it?

Who should I talk to?
What should I talk about?

사람 + Who + 사람에 대한 설명
Jason is a teacher.
제이슨은 선생님이다.
Jason who teaches English is a teacher.
영어를 가르치는 제이슨
Jason who came from Michigan is a teacher.
미시건에서 온 제이슨
Jason who likes fish is a teacher.
생선을 좋아하는 제이슨

What is 사물 for?
what is that for?
what is the piano for?
what is that lecture for?
what is this paper for?

Who is that?
Who is he/she?
Who is Jason?

what is it?
what time is it?
what day is it? 요일
what date is it? 날짜

what can I do?
what could I do?
what should I do?
what shall I do?
what would you like to do?
뭐 하고싶니?
what would you like me to do?
뭘 도와주길 원하니?

I bought what you need.

what did I say before?
who did I meet before?

what am I?
who am I?

what kind of market is it?
what kind of restaurant is ti?
what kind of (장소) is it?

Konglish To English.

잘못 쓰이는 말 : 마을 버스 village bus.
TE correction : suttle bus

잘못 쓰이는 말 : 개인적인 no comment.
TE correction : that's personal.
완전초급 제14강 - 사람은 Who, 사물은 What | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/129
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