완전초급 제13강 - 5W 1H... What is it?
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Who 사람
When 시간
Where 장소
Why 이유
Which 선택
How 방법
Who are you?
Who can do this?
When can you do this?
Where can you do this?
What can you do?
Why did you do this?
How can you do this?
Who was it?
Who is there?
Who was it?
When are we going?
When are we eating?
When are we starting?
When are you coming?
When is he/she coming?
Where am I?
Where is it?
Where are you?
Where are we meeting?
What am I?
What is it?
What can I do?
What time is it?
why are you here?
Why am I teaching?
Why do I have to do this?
Why should I do this?
Which one should I buy?
Which restaurant should I go?
Which one should I watch?
How can you do this?
How come?
How much is it?
의문사 정리파일 참조.
Konglish To English.
잘못 쓰이는 말 : 핸드폰 hand phone
TE correction : cellular phone
잘못 쓰이는 말 : 리모콘 remocon
TE correction : remote control or controller
완전초급 제13강 - 5W 1H... What is it? | 생각영어 공부방 : https://thinkenglish.kr/post/bbad1fea/128
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